September and October
October 9, 2019
The last two months have been extremely busy here in Honduras! We had the last of ten groups coming to help us here at MEDA, and we are also making plans for setting up the schedule for 2020. This year through the groups that came to MIM (MEDA International Missions), we were able to raise about $30,000 for the seminary for the training of pastors; we are projected to raise $50,000 for 2020.
I must stop and thank you for your support! It is through you that I am able to work for MEDA by managing the international division of MEDA International Missions. As John Piper says, there are “Senders and there are Goers.” The Goers can’t go without the Senders, and the Senders can’t send without the Goers . This is a perfect example of how the body of Christ works together to carry out the Great Commission.
As 2019 is coming to a close, I will be spending October and November in the United States visiting churches and universities to promote the programs of MEDA International Missions. I will also use the time to raise more support for myself. The Lord has been good at providing for me; however, I am still around $500 under budget a month for 2020. If the Lord puts it on your heart to give toward my support, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you again for your prayers and support for my first year at MIM!