What does supporting us mean?

Why give?

Supporting us directly helps advance the mission of SEPE (The Seminary for Expository Preaching), a ministry committed to equipping Spanish-speaking pastors with world-class theological training. Through SEPE International, Kenny coordinates short-term mission teams and intern programs that strengthen gospel-centered partnerships, resource local communities, and promote SEPE's work globally. Your support empowers initiatives like student scholarships, church planting, and leadership development, creating lasting impact across Honduras, Mexico, and beyond. By investing in our efforts, you’re contributing to the growth of Christ’s global church and the fulfillment of the Great Commission through biblically rooted education and discipleship.

How to give?

There are two ways to donate - electronically or by check. All the funds go through our sending church, Grace Bible Church of Tampa.

*For online donations, once you click the button, there will be a tab to choose what to give to. Choose “Missions - Kenneth Fuller.”

Support Status

This chart shows what percentage of support we are at for this year. We need $50.00 more a month to reach our annual goal.