April – June 2021
August 2, 2021
Greetings from Honduras:
It has been a long time since I have written a letter updating you on what has been happening here in Honduras. It has been very busy here at MEDA; however, I finally have time to sit down and reflect on how the Lord has been blessing the ministry.
During the Covid-19 crisis, we were not able to have any groups visit us. Now, groups have started to return. Recently we had a group from a university come and spend seven weeks with us. They helped in many ways: they taught finance classes; they built a website and made a video for the clinic ministry; they helped with a church building. The church building is for a church plant which I am a part of. The church is in the neighborhood behind MEDA. I could go on and on telling you of things this group accomplished in the seven weeks they were with us.
Certainly, this is a unique ministry where the Lord has placed me. I have the privilege of working with churches and groups of young adults. It is a blessing to see people work together as a body of believers carrying out the Great Commission. I recently read a statement by Paul Washer that brings things into perspective, “If you realize that everything in this temporal sphere is dust and rot, then you will have a zeal for God. And when you have a zeal for God, you’ll have a zeal for missions.” This quote reminded me that when we are working with “temporal” things such as putting together VBS’s, building websites, and building churches, we are taking care of the eternal commission God has called us to do, proclaiming the Gospel throughout the world.
Some may think that building a church in a third-world country is a waste of time and funds; however, let me tell you of the ways the church the group helped us build is a blessing to our people: First, it gives our people a pleasant and safe place to worship their Savior. Second, the servants’ hearts of those who come to help us is a testimony to our community. Third, it provides a place of worship for Americans and others who are visiting Honduras. We often have Americans who have moved to Honduras ask us for information about a place to worship, and we can give them information about our church. Fourth, we hire Hondurans to do specialty work such as laying concrete. During the week that the visiting team was working on the church building, they witnessed to one Catholic man who was doing some specialty work. Imagine their joy when this gentleman came to church the Sunday the team was there.
Please pray for me as I orchestrate these teams coming to help us. It is a blessing to watch how the Lord works in sending us just the right groups. Pray that I will be “clay in the Master’s hands.” It is a joy to be part of the ministry and pray that some of these team members will get a burden for the mission field and become missionaries.
Thank you for your financial gifts that make it possible for me to serve in Honduras!
Kenny Fuller