May 7, 2019

April showers have begun! Up until just his month, it had not rained here in Honduras

This was taken from a drone overlooking the property to the northeast of where MEDA is located.

since December. We were in a significant drought, but now everything is green. Even though we were in a physical drought, the blessings from God continued and still continue to rain down. One of the biggest blessings happened just a few days ago!  The Honduran government finally approved my five-year residency! The Lord has been so good at making this process relatively easy. The next step is for me to pay the last few bills for the lawyer and for the residence card itself. Once I have the residence card, I can get my driver’s license. The excitement and joy for me are when I tell my Honduran friends that I got my residency, they light up and call me “Chelle” which means white Honduran.


During the last week of April when the seminary was in session, Dr. Evis Carballosa had a conference. The conference was a real blessing to the seminary students. Right now, we are a month away from the busiest time of the year—that is when groups arrive. I am working on the final details for each group. A group will be arriving each week of the summer with a little overlap. Please pray that each person in the various groups will grow spiritually, will gain a love for missions, and will be an asset in helping with various projects here a MEDA.




March Madness